FFT – Trading Competition Analysis Platform

MT4 Trading competition platform
User’s Dashboard
Client Area – This section contains some introduction, payment information, link to start the challenge, verification info, and any other useful information.
Profile – This section will let the user to change his personal information, change passwords Downloads – This section will allow the user to download any files you provide
Leader board – This section includes the top 10 active accounts sorted by highest profit
Account Matrix – This section shows the account matrix for each of the accounts owned by the user.

User’s Account Matrix
If the user has multiple accounts, the account number can be selected at the top of the page. The page displays the selected account’s information.
Progress Chart – This chart displays the user’s progress. Y-axis contains the balance, X-axis contains the number of trades or the Date.
Account Info – Credentials, Account information such as status, start/end dates, deposit… etc
Current Results – This function will show the trading information, Some other calculated summaries (such as Today’s permitted loss, today’s profit, Last updated… etc), profit/loss information. This can be calculated per day, week, month, or custom date range.
Objectives – This section will display the user the goals he achieved. And his trading objectives are completed or not.
Trading Journal – This section will display the account history.
Statistics – This section shows the user the following information.
Equity, Balance, No. Of Trades, Lots, Win (percentage), Average Profit, Average Loss,
Admin Dashboard:
Users: This section contains registered users (all users synced from the WordPress website will be saved as inactive, the admin can activate them manually); function to sync the users from the WordPress website. The admin can search users, filter users (by New users, Challenge accepted, Challenge in progress, Challenge Passed, Challenge Failed… etc), activate/deactivate users, add/remove their MT4 account numbers (Users will get notified by email when you add an account), see their account matrix and statistics. Send e-mail to users (You’ll have to provide an SMTP server),
Leader board: This section displays the users in the order of profit they make. Function to change the admin login details.
This EA will detect the user’s account number automatically and will send the account history and the relevant data to the server. The communication between the EA and their server will be encrypted using AES256.
Funding Forex Talents
I have designed this system to evaluate trading competitions/challenges automatically.